Courses with No Textbook Costs
Nashville State Community College's Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative is designed to reduce the financial burden on students while maintaining high academic standards.
By replacing costly textbooks with free, high-quality learning materials, Nashville State makes higher education more affordable and accessible for everyone.
The program focuses on high-enrollment, high-impact courses, especially general education and other in-demand classes. This strategic approach ensures that the greatest number of students benefit, significantly lowering educational costs across the board.
Summer 2025 Semester courses with no cost books:
General Education Courses:
Written Communication:
· ENGL 1010 - English Composition I
· ENGL 1020 - English Composition II
Oral Communication:
· COMM 2025 - Fundamentals of Communication
· COMM 2045 - Public Speaking
Humanities and Fine Arts:
· ART 1035 - Introduction to Art
· MUS 1030 - Introduction to Music
· PHIL 1030 - Introduction to Philosophy
· PHIL 1040 - Introduction to Ethics
· THEA 1030 - Introduction to Theatre
- ENGL 0815 – Writing Support
- ENGL 2020 - Literature: Poetry and Drama
- ENGL 2140 - Introduction to Cinema
Social and Behavioral Sciences:
- POLS 1030 - American Government
- PSYC 1030 - Introduction to Psychology
- SOCI 1010 - Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 2010 - Marriage and Family
- HIST 2010 - Early United States History
- HIST 2020 - Modern United States History
- HIST 2030 - Tennessee History
Natural Sciences:
- ASTR 1010 - Solar System Astronomy
Non-General Education Courses:
- BIOL 1000 - Medical Terminology
- BUSN 1300 - Personal Finance
- BUSN 2330 - Principles of Management
- CADD 1200 - AutoCAD Fundamentals
- CITC 1332 - UNIX/Linux Operating System
- ECED 2375 - Social-Emotional Development
- NSCC 1010 - First Year Experience
- PHED 1010 - Intro to Health and Wellness
- PHED 1030 – Walking
- READ 0815 - Reading Support