Testing Center
The Testing Center at Nashville State Community College adheres to all National College Testing Association standards and provides a secure, proctored testing environment for students. Here, you can take the Accuplacer, CLEP, and Graduation Exit exams, as well as any make-up or proctored exams needed for your courses.
Academic testing is provided to students enrolled in NSCC classes that may need to make up a test, test out of a subject, utilize ADA or ESL accommodations, or otherwise test outside of their normal class time.
Students should schedule appointments at the campus most convenient to them. Students are expected to coordinate with their instructors to ensure that testing materials are sent to the Testing Center in a timely fashion.
ADA Students
Students who require ADA accommodated testing are required to make appointments a minimum of two business days in advance with the Access Center. For learning more about testing with accommodations, please contact the Access Center.
ESL Students
ESL students that have approved ESL accommodations can make appointments through the normal scheduling software. They should communicate with their instructors to make sure test information is sent to the Testing Center before their testing appointment.
Faculty Information
White Bridge Road Location: Student Services Building Suite S217
White Bridge Road Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday (Align with enrollment events) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: www.nscc.edu/testing-center
Phone: (615) 353-3564
Email: testing.center@nscc.edu
Testing Center Mission:
The mission of the Nashville State Community College Testing Center is to support the instructional goals of the college by providing a multitude of testing services in a quiet proctored testing environment. The Nashville State Community College Testing Center maintains and adheres to all standards set forth by the National College Testing Association (NCTA).
Services provided:
- Administer ACCUPLACER placement tests for prospective Nashville State Community College students to meet admissions requirements.
- Administer ACCUPLACER placement challenge tests for students that placed in developmental math, reading, or writing courses – students are allowed one attempt to challenge these scores before special permission is required.
- Administer iTEP placement test for ESL students.
- Administer tests in a secure, proctored, and quiet place for all students taking exams in the following:
1. NSCC Web Online – for students who opt out of virtual proctoring
2. Departmental Makeup tests - students who missed a scheduled class exam
3. ADA Accommodation Proctoring – with proper ADA paperwork from the Access Center
4. ESL Approved Support – extended time for ESL students with approval
5. NSCC Credit by Exam – Departmental Challenge Exam/PLA testing as approved by the Deans
6. TN eCampus courses (all TBR)
- Administer the California Critical Thinking Skills Test as a general graduation exit examination.
- Administer CLEP exams for students and community members wishing to gain college credits with CLEP.
How to utilize the Testing Center:
- An email will be sent out at the beginning of each semester to all faculty providing
updates and information about testing in the upcoming semester.
- Individual emails may be sent to instructors when a student schedules an appointment
and the Testing Center does not have the testing information.
- Individual emails may be sent to instructors when a student schedules an appointment
and the Testing Center does not have the testing information.
- Submit complete test information for students testing in the Center as needed using
the Dynamic Form linked on our website at least 2 business days in advance whenever
possible. The White Bridge Road campus processes this information for all campus locations.
- Each campus has their own individual Testing hours - contact the campus testing center
for more information.
- Clarksville Campus: (931) 472-3455, clarksvilletestingcenter@nscc.edu
- Dickson Campus: (615) 740-5998, dicksontestingcenter@nscc.edu
- Humphreys County Campus: (931) 296-1739, humphreyscountytestingcenter@nscc.edu
- North Davidson Campus: (629) 208-7400, northdavidsontestingcenter@nscc.edu
- Southeast Campus: (615) 916-5854, southeasttestingcenter@nscc.edu
- White Bridge Road Campus: (615) 353-3564, testing.center@nscc.edu
How You Can Help Us Help You:
- Include the Testing Center Guidelines for Students in your Syllabus or on your course
information: https://www.nscc.edu/documents/student-services/Testing_Center_Guidelines.pdf
(this link will be updated once updated guidelines are published)
- Instruct students as to the location of the Testing Center – this will vary by campus.
- Instruct students when tests will be available and how long they will be available.
We highly encourage you to set time limits and set deadline dates. This helps with
seating availability in the Testing Centers and students like to know the amount of
time allowed on a test.
- We do not have the staff to monitor individual time limits for students. Students are told how much time they are allotted and clocks are available in each testing room.
- Please set up time limits in the online systems where possible.
- Instruct students that they need the following each time they test:
- Photo ID, login information, instructor’s name, course name and number, and test number
- Photo ID, login information, instructor’s name, course name and number, and test number
- All testing information and materials for all campuses should be submitted using the
Testing Center Test Submission Form found in Dynamic Forms (linked on the Testing
Center website) at least 2 business days before the test is to be administered. (The
new combined form will be posted by early January 2025.)
- The WBR campus Testing Center processes and distributes testing materials to all extended
campus locations.
- Complete testing information is vital.
- If your test has a password, indicate that on the form at the time of submission. If a change is made after the form is submitted, please contact us by email as soon as possible.
- If you do not indicate a testing aid, we cannot allow it to be used.
- Please provide a contact phone number to the Testing Center in case a proctor may
need to reach you – for emergency use only and will not be shared with students.
- Check your completed exam folder.
- Please pick up tests during office hours.
- At the end of the semester, collect any untaken tests left in your folders except those intended for Incomplete Grades (be sure to mark these as Incomplete and include a discard date).
- At the beginning of the next semester, your file will be purged and any old tests
will be placed in your completed exam folder for pick up. Anything not picked up will
be destroyed after the next semester starts and you will be notified by email.
- If you need to drop off a paper test at the White Bridge Road campus after office
hours, please use the after-hours drop box located by the Testing Center door.
- Tests must be picked up by faculty or staff – please do not send students to pick
up tests.
- To ensure that a test is being picked up by faculty or staff, an ID may be requested.
- We keep a log of when physical tests are picked up from our office.
Testing Center Information for Faculty
- ADA Student – Test Submission Form
- Departmental Makeup Exam – Test Submission Form
- NSCC Web Online Courses – Test Submission Form for student opting out of virtual proctoring
- Program Exit Exam – Test Submission Form
- Credit by Exam – Test Submission Form for Dean-approved PLA
- Pre-Approved ESL Support – Test Submission Form
Schedule an Appointment
Testing on all campuses requires an appointment. All appointments should be scheduled a minimum of 48 hours in advance. If an alternate testing time is needed, please email Testing.Center@nscc.edu with your specific request.
Appointments by Campus
- Clarksville Campus
- Dickson Campus
- Humphreys County Campus
- North Davidson Campus
- Southeast Campus
- White Bridge Campus
Reschedule or Cancel an Appointment
Please email or call the Testing Center at least 24 hours in advance if you will not be able to keep your appointment.
Testing Center Student Guidelines
Learn MoreTesting with Accommodations
Students who require accommodated testing are required to make appointments a minimum of two business days in advance with the Access Center. For learning more about testing with accommodations, please contact the Access Center.
Available Tests
Accuplacer testing is provided to students that have an application on file and are suggested by Admissions to take the test.
Options remain available for you to move forward and register for classes without placement testing. Students are not required to take a placement exam. You can elect not to test and simply register for learning support courses if you do not have prior test scores or college credits that place you at the college level.
Exam Options
- On-Campus: Appointments may be scheduled at any of our campus locations.
- Remote Testing: This exam may be taken remotely from our own computer or electronic device. To register, please complete the Accuplacer – ProctorU Remote Test Form.
ESL Students
ESL students take the Accuplacer test in Math only. ESL students are required to have permission to take the test from the ESL Coordinator, esol@nscc.edu, or from Admissions, 615-353-3215.
Already have subject knowledge? Get credit for what you already know with CLEP. CLEP offers 34 different exams that cover a variety of subjects such as business, composition, literature, foreign languages, history, science, math, and more.
Check CLEP Exam NSCC Course Equivalencies
CLEP Sign Up Steps
- You must have an account at CLEP’s website: clep.collegeboard.org
- Sign up for your chosen CLEP test and pay the $95 exam fee.
- Print out your test voucher.
- Sign up online for a testing appointment at either the White Bridge or Clarksville campuses. If you are a DANTES funded candidate, you will need to test at the White Bridge Road campus.
- Pay the Proctor Fee of $28.50 online when you sign up for your testing appointment unless you are a DANTES funded candidate.
- Bring your CLEP approved ID and CLEP voucher to the Testing Center on your scheduled test day.
Additional Information
- CLEP email: clep@info.collegeboard.org
- CLEP Study Guides
- CLEP Exam Day Information
- DANTES Funded CLEP – Active Military members and some civilian Military employees and Military spouses can test for free using the DANTES Program.
- Modern States – Freshman Year for Free
Modern States will pay for your CLEP testing if you complete their program.
All students graduating with a degree or certificate from Nashville State Community College are required to take a graduation exit exam during their final semester.
Technical Certificate: If you are graduating with a technical certificate, please contact your program advisor or program director for information on the Technical Program Exit Exam.
Degrees: If you are graduating with a degree from Nashville State Community College, you will need to schedule an appointment to take the Graduation Exit Exam (CCTST) with the Testing Center. Currently, there are two options to take the exam:
- On-Campus: Appointments may be scheduled to test at any of our campus locations.
- Remote Testing: This exam may be taken remotely from your own computer or electronic device. For complete details, please complete the Graduation Exit Exam Remote Test Form.
Mission Statement
The Testing Center of Nashville State Community College subscribes and adheres to the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines.
The mission of the Nashville State Community College Testing Center is to support the academic goals of the College by providing a multitude and variety of testing services in a quiet, secure, and proctored testing environment.
Testing Resources for Faculty
See Faculty ResourcesTesting Center by Campus
Clarksville Campus
Dickson Campus
Humphreys County Campus
North Davidson Campus
Southeast Campus
White Bridge Campus