Safety & Security
Nashville State Community College and all satellite campuses are monitored via a high-tech closed-circuit camera system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All parking lots, building exteriors, and interiors are continuously monitored by the Police and Security Department. Each campus also has agreements in place with local city and/or county police agencies to assist when necessary.
Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
Emergency Procedures
- Quick Emergency Guide
- Mental Health Emergency Procedures
- Run. Hide. Fight. - Active Shooter Safety Training
- Nashville State Emergency Preparedness Plan
Security Services
- Escort Services: During normal operating hours, upon request, the Police and Security Department provides escort services to students and staff.
- Battery Service: We are equipped to jump-start vehicles due to dead batteries.
- Lock-Outs: If you locked your keys in the car, we will attempt to unlock the vehicle. Prior to doing so, you will be required to sign a liability release form. Afterwords, you will need to provide proof of ownership for the vehicle.
- Crime Prevention Presentations: Crime prevention presentations are conducted annually to such groups as physical plant staff; international students; student government; students, faculty and staff; and other recognized student organizations.
- Hate Crimes: The federal Right-To-Know Act requires the reporting of all incidents where prejudice against race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity is employed during the commission of murder, forcible rape, aggravated assault, and violation or arrest relating to weapons, drugs, or alcohol. Annual reports reflect all incidents reported in any of these categories.
- Printed Crime Prevention Materials: Crime prevention brochures are distributed at crime prevention presentations and at various locations throughout the campus.
- Electronic Alarm Systems: A sophisticated electronic monitoring system located in the Police and Security Department has a comprehensive network of intrusion on devices and alarm systems.
- Closed-Circuit Television System: This system provides instant access to all campus buildings.
- Facilities Surveys: Security personnel conduct comprehensive surveys of exterior lighting, exterior doors, and grounds.
- Rape Awareness, Education, and Prevention: In cooperation with the Dean of Student Services, the department provides rape awareness education and prevention presentations to the campus community.
Crime Prevention
Almost every violation committed on campus is preventable. As part of Nashville State’s educational mission, the Police and Security Department attempts to teach members of the campus community how to reduce their chances of suffering a violation of their property or themselves.
The Department’s crime prevention program is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities, whenever possible, and encouraging students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.
Crime Reports
Numerous efforts are made to advise the campus community on a timely basis about campus crime and crime-related problems. These efforts include the following:
- Annual Report: A comprehensive annual report of crime-related information is compiled, published, and widely distributed. This annual report is available to any member of the campus community.
- Daily Crime Log
- Special Alert: If circumstances warrant, specially printed crime alerts are prepared and distributed to the appropriate persons.
Contact the Police & Security Department
White Bridge Campus
Office: E-14
Security Station: First Floor Lobby, S-Building
Southeast Campus
Front Lobby
North Davidson
Ground Floor Lobby
Clarksville Campus
Front Lobby
Dickson Campus
Front Lobby
Humphreys County Campus
Front Lobby