Admission & Selection Process

Surgical Technology Application

Applications for the Surgical Technology cohort beginning Fall 2025 semester are due no later than March 31. Applications received after this date may be considered for Spring 2026.

Applications must be renewed each June to be considered for the following year.

Apply Today

General Information Sessions

If you would like to learn more about the Surgical Technology program, register for one of the following general information sessions. If you plan to apply to the program, you must attend an information session. Each meeting will be held over Zoom and last about one hour. Click on a link below to register.

Date Time Registration Link

Mar 25

9 a.m. Zoom

Mar 25

6:30 p.m. Zoom

Apr 8

9 a.m. Zoom

Apr 8

6:30 p.m. Zoom

Apr 22

9 a.m. Zoom

Apr 22

6:30 p.m. Zoom

Eligibility, Application, and Selection Process

Please read the following before applying to the Surgical Technology Program.

Students will be seated in Core Classes based on successful completion of all criteria below:

  • Fully admitted to Nashville State Community College (declare Health Science A.S. as major).
  • Applications must be renewed each June to be considered for the following year.
  • Must have successfully completed program prerequisites (BIOL 1000, SURG 1304, SURG 1305, and SURG 2310) with a grade of C or higher prior to starting Core Classes.
  • Successful completion (grade of C or higher) of Candidacy classes (SURG 1410 and SURG 2299) in addition to the above guarantees placement in Core Cohort for the subequent semester.
  • If open seats remain in a Core Cohort after Candidates are seated, applications will be considered for applicants without credit for SURG 1410 and SURG 2299 and filled based on the following:
    • Successful completion of at least four General Education courses
    • Completion of all program prerequisites
    • Successful completion of General Education courses
    • Grade Point Average in Prerequisite courses
  1. Complete the application process to Nashville State Community College (declare Health Science major).
  2. Attend a General Information meeting.
  3. Apply to the Surgical Technology Program (applications open year-round; must be renewed each June).
  4. Offers will be sent to email address submitted on your Program Application.

If open seats remain in a Core Cohort after seating students with credit for SURG 1410 and SURG 2299, applications will be considered for applicants without credit for SURG 1410 and SURG 2299 and filled based on the following:

  • Successful completion of at least five General Education courses
  • Completion of all program prerequisites
  • Grade Point Average in prerequisite courses

NOTE: Background checks and/or drug screenings are required by clinical sites as a condition of participation in the Surgical Technology A.A.S. program. Completion of the National Certification Exam is a graduation requirement of the A.A.S. in Surgical Technology program.


Email with any questions.