Better Together
Better Together is a joint venture launched in early 2020 by Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and Nashville State Community College (NSCC), to help MNPS graduates prepare for, attend, and complete college.

The overarching goals for the joint venture are to expand college access, to boost
college persistence and completion, and to significantly improve student outcomes
for both systems – with a particular focus on closing all achievement, equity and opportunity gaps to expand student opportunities and to build our regional workforce.
Expanded College Access
- Increase the number of MNPS students enrolling in college.
- Increase the number of MNPS students applying to and enrolling at NSCC.
- Increase the number of MNPS students maintaining Tennessee Promise eligibility and completing FAFSA.
- Decrease the number of MNPS graduates needing remedial courses.
Boost College Persistence & Completion
- Increase the retention of first-time, full-time students at NSCC - and decrease the retention gap between students of color and white students.
- Decrease the number of first-time, full-time NSCC students not earning credit hours during the first semester - and decrease the gap between students of color and white students.
- Increase the number of MNPS students obtaining a credential or degree.
"When it comes to student success and workforce development, we see MNPS and Nashville State as one institution with one purpose. Our MNPS graduates attend Nashville State more than any other college. Our institutions must be united in helping all of them succeed. "
Key Initiatives to Date
Additional strategic partners have been brought aboard and several key Better Together
initiatives are already underway to help address these goals.
Expanded Dual Enrollment
MNPS and NSCC are working together to enroll even more MNPS students in dual enrollment
courses. Dual enrollment offers MNPS students college-level academics, early college
credit, and a potential industry credential. This early college experience also helps
demystify college to help increase enrollment and retention.
Dual Enrollment at NSCC
Dual Enrollment at NSCC
Shared Data Dashboard & Goal Setting
Working with tnAchieves, Better Together has constructed a shared data dashboard
to track, monitor and utilize key information and milestone metrics about each MNPS
student’s journey to and through Nashville State. Adding to the partnership, SCORE
has supported overall visioning, goal-setting, and project management.
Targeted Student Support & Interventions
Using the Shared Dashboard, the partners target specific reminders and interventions
to encourage and assist students as they approach deadlines or face questions and
hurdles during the college-going process.
BrightPath Tutoring & Mentoring
In addition to the volunteer mentoring tnAchieves provides all Tennessee Promise-eligible
students, Better Together is also working with BrightPath to provide MNPS high school
students and recent graduates with free, one-on-one virtual tutoring and mentoring.
Founded by recent Vanderbilt University graduates, BrightPath is helping prepare students
academically and supporting them individually during and after the transition to college.
NSCC Learning Center
BrightPath Tutoring
NSCC Learning Center
BrightPath Tutoring
Student Summer Success Course
Nashville State’s Student Summer Success Course, conducted in partnership with tnAchieves,
offers incoming first-year students an immersive college summer experience to help
them build the skills they need to be successful as college students.
Nashville GRAD
With the support of the Mayor's office, Metro Council, and community partners, Nashville
GRAD aims to remove the non-academic barriers to college retention and completion,
the Nashville GRAD program offers NSCC students direct financial assistance and wraparound
supports, including money for textbooks and transportation, a laptop computer, and
direct advising and career development support.
Nashville GRAD
Nashville GRAD
"By working together, we are creating a longer runway for students to build the skills and confidence they need to attend and complete college, which is still the strongest ladder to greater economic and social mobility and success."