HCA invests in student success at Nashville State
Did you know? The 2018 Nashville Talent Hub report released by Complete Tennessee and the Nashville Mayor’s Office identified indirect costs like family obligations, transportation, and school supplies as barriers to enrollment, retention, and graduation. And, the 2018 Bridge to Completion report – and updated 2019 Bridge to Completion report, released this month – from the Nashville Public Education Foundation and TN College Access & Success Network recommended providing more support to students and expanding community resources available at Nashville State.
These findings informed the development of Nashville GRAD: Getting Results by Advancing Degrees, a pilot program that will increase the number of students who earn a postsecondary degree or credential. Eligible students will receive targeted financial assistance and comprehensive wraparound services through intensive academic and professional supports.
In support of Nashville GRAD, HCA recently made a $100,000 gift to the Nashville State Foundation. We are tremendously grateful for HCA’s investment in students and eager to launch this exciting new initiative this fall.