Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville Agreement


Leaders from Nashville State Community College and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville met at TCAT Clarksville to sign an articulation agreement allowing eligible TCAT students in digital graphic design to transfer credits towards an Associate degree in visual communications at Nashville State.

“Nashville State Community College is focused on working with our partners to provide an easy path for students to reach their education and career goals,” said Dr. Carol Rothstein, Nashville State’s vice president of Academic Affairs.

This follows an announcement earlier this year between Austin Peay State University and Nashville State allowing a student who completes their Associate degree to be granted admissions to select undergraduate programs at APSU.

Transfer Agreements (Formal Academic Articulation Agreements)

To learn more about Nashville State's academic transfer agreements, visit:

Photo (front row, from left): Dr. Shanna L. Jackson, Nashville State Community College president, and Dr. Arrita Summers, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville president; (back row, from left) Dr. Carol Rothstein, vice president of Academic Affairs at Nashville State; Dr. Patricia Armstrong, dean of English, Humanities and Creative Technologies at Nashville State; Telaina Wrigley, Nashville State Clarksville campus coordinator; Victoria Dabalos, who will be a graduating from the TCAT Digital Graphic Design program in August and is interested in attending Nashville State; Kathleen Fosbinder Smith, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville campus Digital Graphic Design instructor; and, Deanna Griffin, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville campus coordinator
Photo (front row, from left): Dr. Shanna L. Jackson, Nashville State Community College president, and Dr. Arrita Summers, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville president; (back row, from left) Dr. Carol Rothstein, vice president of Academic Affairs at Nashville State; Dr. Patricia Armstrong, dean of English, Humanities and Creative Technologies at Nashville State; Telaina Wrigley, Nashville State Clarksville campus coordinator; Victoria Dabalos, who will be a graduating from the TCAT Digital Graphic Design program in August and is interested in attending Nashville State; Kathleen Fosbinder Smith, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville campus Digital Graphic Design instructor; and, Deanna Griffin, TCAT Dickson-Clarksville campus coordinator.

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