Brady Accepted into Yale’s Eli Whitney Students Program
Due to a disability that severely affected his health, particularly his heart, Sean Brady needed to drop out of his chosen university. Through time and care, he got his body healthy again for a second chance at earning his degree.
At the encouragement of friends who had attended Nashville State, he enrolled.
“Two years later, I feel like my friends undersold how amazing everyone at Nashville State is,” said Brady, who graduated in May 2022 with a degree in Political Science.
“Honestly, it is one of the best experiences I have ever had.”
Leading up to graduation, Sean had applied to Yale University’s Eli Whitney Students Program. It is for non-traditional students, at least five years removed from high school and have experience in a field of professional interest.
“They realize that non-traditional students have different experiences and problems than most students that go straight from high school to college. Like Nashville State, they value non-traditional voices and will do all they can to help them succeed.”
The College’s Career Services department prepares students for everything from job interviews and making professional connections to resume assistance. Sean took advantage of the free service provided.
“We looked over my CV and ran through basic interview questions and talking points. Nicole (Hubbs) (Director of the Welcome Center and Career Services) even independently searched and found information about my interview that I had missed in my research. Things might not have worked out as well if it weren't for Nicole!”
Brady was accepted into Yale and has enrolled for the Fall 2022 semester, where he plans to earn a dual degree in Political Science and Linguistics.
“I plan on going to law school and helping craft and defend voting rights legislation. I want to use my degree in linguistics to cut through the pernicious political discourse that surrounds this topic.”