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- 03.17.22
Nashville State Expands Offering to Waverly Central High School
To create more pathways into a good-paying job or to continue education after graduating, Nashville State's Humphreys County campus is now offering Waverly Central High School students a new dual enrollment opportunity.
- 12.07.21
Dickson County Benefits from GIVE 2.0 Grant
With an investment of $710,023 from the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) grant, current and future Dickson County and Creek Wood High Schools students will be able to earn healthcare industry credentials including Certified...
- 10.04.21
Early College at Whites Creek High School
Nashville State announced that it has received a $306,000 grant from the PNC Foundation to establish an Early College Partnership program at Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) Whites Creek High School.
- 04.21.21
Nashville State, TriStar Health, HCA, MNPS Partnership
Nashville State, TriStar Health, HCA Healthcare Foundation, and Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) have teamed up to create a new accelerated career pipeline to the high-demand healthcare industry.
- 03.25.21
Nashville GRAD Wins TBR SOAR 2021 Partnership Award
The Tennessee Board of Regents recognized the Nashville GRAD program with the Partnership Award during the March 25 SOAR (Statewide Outstanding Achievement Recognition) 2021 Awards presentation.
- 09.25.20
Nashville State Community College Humphreys County Campus Expands Offering At McEwen High School
As part of dual enrollment arrangement with McEwen High School, Nashville State will begin offering more than 50 percent of the existing Technical Certificate program in Industrial Process Control Technology to students at the McEwen High School...
- 02.27.20
Metro Schools and Nashville State–Better Together
Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and Nashville State Community College (NSCC) announced today they are strengthening their partnership in an unprecedented new joint venture to create even greater outcomes and opportunities for Nashville students...