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- 02.06.25
Nashville State, Cat Financial Welcome Third Apprenticeship Cohort
An apprenticeship program between Nashville State Community College and Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation (Cat Financial) enters its third year as a new cohort of IT students are hired.
- 01.28.25
Nashville State Community College, MTSU Expand Transfer Opportunities for Associate Degree Graduates
Leaders from MTSU and Nashville State signed two agreements that create seamless pathways in cybersecurity and aerospace for associate degree graduates from the college to pursue a Bachelor of Science at the university.
- 01.20.25
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
- 12.23.24
Nashville State Educators Named HIP Ambassadors by Tennessee Board of Regents
Nashville State Community College is proud to announce that two of its esteemed professors have been named HIP Ambassadors.
- 11.20.24
Groundbreaking Held for Dickson County Center for Higher Education
Leaders from Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Dickson, Nashville State Community College, TriStar Horizon Medical Center, and The Jackson Foundation, along with state, county, city, civic, and business leaders held a groundbreaking...
- 10.24.24
The Wonders of Study Abroad
At first, it can sound terrifying to leave your country and study at another. This may be out of the comfort zone for some people, but once you take action, you realize that it is worth every single moment once you’re in the host country.
- 09.13.24
Nashville State Graduates, Cat Financial Apprentices Complete Program
During a special ceremony on the college’s White Bridge campus, Nashville State graduates and current Cat Financial employees Jorge Rosario Agosto and Ramiro Valdez celebrated the completion of their apprenticeship program right where their journey...
- 08.01.24
Navy Veteran Continues Legacy with Second Act
Bennie Thompson is using his life experience to launch his next adventure.
- 07.10.24
Nashville State Welcomes School of STEM Dean
Nashville State Community College announces Dr. Shawn Barwick Wild as its new dean for the School of STEM.
- 05.28.24
Nashville State Announces Spring 2024 Academic Honors
Nashville State announced the following students achieved the President’s List and Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 Semester.