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- 12.27.24
Nashville State Announces Fall 2024 Academic Honors
Nashville State announced the following students achieved the President’s List and Dean’s List for the Fall 2024 Semester.
- 12.23.24
Nashville State Educators Named HIP Ambassadors by Tennessee Board of Regents
Nashville State Community College is proud to announce that two of its esteemed professors have been named HIP Ambassadors.
- 12.21.24
10th Medical Assistant Cohort Successfully Completes Program, Earns Certificate
We’re thrilled to celebrate the completion of our 10th Medical Assistant trainee cohort.
- 12.12.24
New Comprehensive Workforce Center Opening in Nashville
A collaboration between workforce development partners in Nashville – Davidson County will create a comprehensive and convenient location where residents can access workforce training, skill certifications, educational support, and job-search resou...
- 12.10.24
School of Arts & Humanities Teaches Critical Thinking and Career Skills
What can the study of the humanities provide the students of the 21st century? And, how can the study of the Humanities help students find fulfilling and prosperous careers?
- 12.05.24
Nashville Songwriters Association Launches Program at Nashville State
The Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) is launching a comprehensive six-week course starting on February 11, 2025, at Nashville State’s White Bridge campus.
- 11.26.24
Randy Rayburn School of Culinary Arts Prepares Thanksgiving Meals for 600
The Randy Rayburn School of Culinary Arts at Nashville State prepared 600 Thanksgiving turkeys and meals for Nashvillians at Room In The Inn.
- 11.20.24
Groundbreaking Held for Dickson County Center for Higher Education
Leaders from Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Dickson, Nashville State Community College, TriStar Horizon Medical Center, and The Jackson Foundation, along with state, county, city, civic, and business leaders held a groundbreaking...
- 11.18.24
Nashville State SGA President Elected to Statewide Leadership Post
The votes have been tabulated for TBR’s Executive Board of the Student Government Presidents Council. Nashville State SGA President Cory Cross has been elected chair.
- 11.11.24
Veterans Honored, Shrum Awarded Commendation
On the morning of November 11, 2024, members of the Falcon community gathered at White Bridge Campus to honor military veterans during a small but meaningful ceremony.