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- 11.04.24
Nashville State Grads Use Entrepreneurial Spirit to Launch New Venture
Jas and Dre Whitson are living examples of the entrepreneurial spirit. With drive and determination, the husband-and-wife team is embarking on their newest venture and building on a foundation that began as Nashville State graduates.
- 10.31.24
Nashville State Community College Opens New School of Health Sciences Building
Nashville State’s School of Health Sciences has a new home on the White Bridge campus.
- 10.24.24
The Wonders of Study Abroad
At first, it can sound terrifying to leave your country and study at another. This may be out of the comfort zone for some people, but once you take action, you realize that it is worth every single moment once you’re in the host country.
- 10.21.24
Nashville State, with VUMC CPiAH support, Awarded a $50,000 Healthcare Grant
Nashville State Community College has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Tennessee Hospital Association to fund the hiring of a new Central Sterile Processing Instructor.
- 10.16.24
Workforce Development Options Provide Opportunity for Employers and Residents
The Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education at Nashville State is providing exceptional opportunities for students and employers alike.
- 10.15.24
Big Change to and NS Online/D2L Login Starts 10/15/2024
Nashville State is changing how students, faculty, and staff login to applications, including and NS Online/D2L.
- 10.09.24
Scott Comes Full Circle in Return to Caring for Patients
A partnership between Nashville State and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is making it possible for students to receive a certification as a medical assistant in only 12 weeks.
- 10.02.24
Honors Bestowed During the 2024 Falcon Awards
The Nashville State Community College Foundation held The Falcon Awards to highlight outstanding Nashville State alumni in recognition of significant professional achievement and service to their community, along with college partners for their steadfast...
- 09.27.24
Get Ready for Fall 2024 Semester Classes
Nashville State is here to help students prepare for a successful Fall 2024 semester.
- 09.18.24
Grant Will Fund Career Pathway for High School Students
Nashville State and Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), with the support of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, were awarded $2 million to create an opportunity for students at Maplewood and Pearl-Cohn high schools .