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- 03.12.21
Student Food Pantry Opens on Nashville State Humphreys County Campus
Students can now access free food and personal care items at the Nashville State Humphreys County Campus Cupboard.
- 09.25.20
Nashville State Community College Humphreys County Campus Expands Offering At McEwen High School
As part of dual enrollment arrangement with McEwen High School, Nashville State will begin offering more than 50 percent of the existing Technical Certificate program in Industrial Process Control Technology to students at the McEwen High School...
- 04.16.20
Nashville State Hires Waverly Native as Humphreys County Campus Director
Nashville State has hired Waverly native and resident Kim Zills as associate dean and the director of its Humphreys County campus.
- 03.11.20
Nashville State, Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Local Industries and Students Hold Apprenticeship Signing Day in Waverly
Nashville State Community College and Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, along with the Tennessee Board of Regents, local employers from Benton, Dickson and Humphreys counties and student apprentices participated in an official...