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- 03.21.25
Apply Now: SGA Executive Board Candidacy – Deadline 3/26 (Tuition Scholarships Available)
Apply for candidacy to the SGA executive board by 3/26, 4:30pm. The president receives a full tuition scholarship and officers get half their tuition covered (must complete between 5-10 SGA service hours a week).
- 03.04.25
Nashville State Awarded Grant to Train Medical Assistants in Montgomery, Humphreys, and Stewart Counties with Tennova Healthcare - Clarksville
Through a Rural Healthcare Initiatives program grant awarded by the TN Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development, Nashville State’s Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education, in partnership with Tennova Healthcare - Clarksville,...
- 02.05.25
Exciting News: A new look to
The Technology Services Division (TSD), in collaboration with various college leaders, is excited to announce that is has launched an updated myNSCC, an internal communication and information portal for students and employees.
- 01.20.25
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
- 03.26.24
Welcome Center is One-stop Spot for Answers
With a smiling face and a welcoming attitude, the Nashville State Welcome Center is here to serve.
- 03.05.24
Nashville State Graduate and Humphreys County Businessman Works to Give Back
Growing up, James Wiser knew that education was the cornerstone of a solid foundation in life, but what he didn’t know was the best place to start.
- 02.28.24
Humphreys County High Schoolers and Eighth Graders Learn About Educational to Career Pathways
More than 600 Humphreys County high schoolers and eighth graders visited Nashville State’s Humphreys County campus to learn about high-demand and high-wage careers.
- 12.13.23
New Scholarship to Cover College Tuition, Fees, and Book Costs in Four County Area
Eighteen- to 23-year-old residents in Humphreys, Benton, Perry, and Stewart counties interested in attending Nashville State Community College’s Humphreys County campus now have access to a scholarship, Funding our Future, thanks to the 21st Century...
- 11.13.23
Nashville State's Dickson and Humphreys County Campuses New Director
The Dickson and Humphreys County campuses of Nashville State Community College have a new director.
- 03.17.22
Nashville State Expands Offering to Waverly Central High School
To create more pathways into a good-paying job or to continue education after graduating, Nashville State's Humphreys County campus is now offering Waverly Central High School students a new dual enrollment opportunity.