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- 06.15.22
APSU and Nashville State Unveil Innovative Partnership to Enroll More Black Male Students
Austin Peay State University (APSU) and Nashville State Community College (NSCC) have developed an innovative partnership to help attract and retain a specific student population that is decreasing nationwide – Black male college students. On May...
- 03.18.22
Nashville State Partners with Amazon Web Services
Through this statewide initiative, technical training and education mapped to in-demand skills will be available from participating public community and technical colleges across Tennessee.
- 03.17.22
Nashville State Expands Offering to Waverly Central High School
To create more pathways into a good-paying job or to continue education after graduating, Nashville State's Humphreys County campus is now offering Waverly Central High School students a new dual enrollment opportunity.
- 02.09.22
UBS Provides Funding to Nashville State
Nashville State announced that UBS, the leading global wealth manager, has committed funding for two strategic grants, aimed at local programs focused on increasing access to college and supporting students while in school.
- 01.19.22
Belmont University and Nashville State BSN Degree Completion Agreement
Belmont University and Nashville State renew Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree completion agreement
- 01.11.22
Nashville State Hires Joseph Johnson as Director of Workforce
With more than 20 years of experience in the field, Johnson has been hired as the executive director of Nashville State’s Workforce and Community Development Department, a function within academic affairs.
- 12.07.21
Dickson County Benefits from GIVE 2.0 Grant
With an investment of $710,023 from the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) grant, current and future Dickson County and Creek Wood High Schools students will be able to earn healthcare industry credentials including Certified...
- 11.16.21
Kresge Foundation Grant to Better Serve Part-Time College Students in Davidson County
The Tennessee College Access and Success Network announced today that it was awarded a $299,575 grant from The Kresge Foundation to implement Nashville Flex.
- 10.04.21
Early College at Whites Creek High School
Nashville State announced that it has received a $306,000 grant from the PNC Foundation to establish an Early College Partnership program at Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) Whites Creek High School.
- 09.28.21
Lipscomb University, Nashville State Announce Partnership for Pathway to Bachelor's Degree
Students at Nashville State Community College have a new pathway to earning a bachelor’s degree thanks to a new partnership with Lipscomb University’s online program.