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- 01.19.21
APSU and Nashville State Partner to Enhance College Options, Completion
Austin Peay State University (APSU) and Nashville State Community College recently signed an agreement to help students complete their degree, or pursue additional degrees.
- 01.12.21
CMCSS Teacher Residency Program
Nashville State is partnering with Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and Austin Peay State University on a Teacher Residency Program.
- 01.06.21
Amazon Contributes to Nashville GRAD Program
Amazon has stepped up to help Nashville State students currently participating in the Nashville GRAD program.
- 05.21.20
Nashville State Providing Professional Development for Metro Head Start Program
Nashville State began partnering with the Metropolitan Action Commission Head Start Program of Nashville and Davidson County to provide required training for 25 Head Start staff members to earn the Child Development Associate Certificate.
- 05.18.20
Nashville State Partners with Asurion
Nashville State partners with Asurion on Tennessee's first in-house apprenticeship for software engineers.
- 03.11.20
Nashville State, Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Local Industries and Students Hold Apprenticeship Signing Day in Waverly
Nashville State Community College and Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, along with the Tennessee Board of Regents, local employers from Benton, Dickson and Humphreys counties and student apprentices participated in an official...
- 02.27.20
Metro Schools and Nashville State–Better Together
Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and Nashville State Community College (NSCC) announced today they are strengthening their partnership in an unprecedented new joint venture to create even greater outcomes and opportunities for Nashville students...
- 01.13.20
Nashville State Computer Information Technology Program to Receive Upgrade
A $10,000 financial gift from Information Systems Security Association’s (ISSA) Middle Tennessee Chapter has been given to Nashville State.
- 09.01.19
Tennessee Titans Donate $50,000 to the Nashville State Foundation in Support of Nashville GRAD
The Tennessee Titans celebrated their inaugural “We Stand For” campaign luncheon where the Nashville State Community College Foundation was awarded a $50,000 grant in support of the Nashville GRAD program.
- 07.24.19
Mayor Briley announces $450,000 in private sector donations to Nashville GRAD
Mayor David Briley announced today that a total of $450,000 in private sector donations have been given to the Nashville GRAD scholarship program to date, beating the program’s original fundraising goal of $300,000 by far.