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- 08.26.21
Kroger Supports Nashville State Campus Cupboard
The College’s Clarksville campus, through a generous donation by Kroger, has food and personal items available for students to order in-person or online.
- 08.09.21
Amazon Doubles Down on Nashville GRAD Program
Approximately seven months after stepping up with a $100,000 investment in the Nashville GRAD program for Nashville State students, Amazon has doubled that with another $100,000.
- 07.29.21
Industrial Readiness Training Provided to Inmates Transitioning out of Houston County Jail
Inmates that will be transitioning out of the Houston County jail have received a two-week training designed to prepare them for entry-level positions as operators and maintenance technicians in the manufacturing industry.
- 07.07.21
Nashville GRAD Available to Davidson Co. Residents
Nashville State has announced that Davidson County residents may be eligible to apply for Nashville GRAD, a program that provides free, targeted financial assistance beyond tuition and academic supports to students.
- 06.23.21
Nashville State Expands IPCT Program to Clarksville
Nashville State Community College Expands Industrial Process Control Technology Program to Clarksville campus.
- 06.11.21
Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville Agreement
Leaders from Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville signed an articulation agreement allowing eligible TCAT students in digital graphic design to transfer credits towards an Associate degree in visual communications at Nashville State.
- 06.07.21
Nashville State Partners with Tech Industry
With more tech companies flocking to the Nashville area and employers in every industry needing to fill job positions with skilled IT professionals, Nashville State has stepped in to be a key workforce solutions partner.
- 04.21.21
Nashville State, TriStar Health, HCA, MNPS Partnership
Nashville State, TriStar Health, HCA Healthcare Foundation, and Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) have teamed up to create a new accelerated career pipeline to the high-demand healthcare industry.
- 03.25.21
Nashville GRAD Wins TBR SOAR 2021 Partnership Award
The Tennessee Board of Regents recognized the Nashville GRAD program with the Partnership Award during the March 25 SOAR (Statewide Outstanding Achievement Recognition) 2021 Awards presentation.