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- 03.26.25
Empowering Futures: Nashville State Students Thrive with Tennessee Promise and Reconnect Scholarships
Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect, combined with Nashville State’s expanding campuses across Middle Tennessee, are providing more and more students with increased access and affordability to higher education.
- 03.21.25
Apply Now: SGA Executive Board Candidacy – Deadline 3/26 (Tuition Scholarships Available)
Apply for candidacy to the SGA executive board by 3/26, 4:30pm. The president receives a full tuition scholarship and officers get half their tuition covered (must complete between 5-10 SGA service hours a week).
- 02.05.25
Exciting News: A new look to
The Technology Services Division (TSD), in collaboration with various college leaders, is excited to announce that is has launched an updated myNSCC, an internal communication and information portal for students and employees.
- 01.20.25
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
Nashville State Provides Students with Academic and Non-academic Resources
- 11.20.24
Groundbreaking Held for Dickson County Center for Higher Education
Leaders from Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Dickson, Nashville State Community College, TriStar Horizon Medical Center, and The Jackson Foundation, along with state, county, city, civic, and business leaders held a groundbreaking...
- 08.06.24
Nashville State Welcomes 65 Future Educators as Part of Training Partnership
Two signing events were held on the campus of Austin Peay State University to celebrate 25 students in the Grow Your Own rural cohort and 40 in the CMCSS Teacher Residency cohort.
- 03.26.24
Welcome Center is One-stop Spot for Answers
With a smiling face and a welcoming attitude, the Nashville State Welcome Center is here to serve.
- 02.22.24
Local Leaders Gather to Celebrate Coming of the Dickson County Center for Higher Education
Leaders from area institutions gathered to celebrate at the site of what will be the Dickson County Center for Higher Education.
- 11.13.23
Nashville State's Dickson and Humphreys County Campuses New Director
The Dickson and Humphreys County campuses of Nashville State Community College have a new director.
- 11.08.23
Dickson County Higher Education Center Announced for Dickson and Surrounding Communities
Tennessee College of Applied Technologies (TCAT) Dickson, Nashville State Community College, TriStar Horizon Medical Center, and The Jackson Foundation are announcing a $35 million-dollar state-of-the-art Dickson County Higher Education Center on...