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- 01.05.23
Nashville State Community College Dickson Campus New Location
Nashville State Community College has a new home in Dickson for at least the next three years, while it works to find a long-term solution for a permanent campus location.
- 07.19.22
Dickson Working with Nashville State to Find Temporary Location
The City of Dickson is working with leaders of Nashville State Community College to find a temporary location to continue housing classes in Dickson after it leaves The Renaissance Center campus this month.
- 12.07.21
Dickson County Benefits from GIVE 2.0 Grant
With an investment of $710,023 from the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) grant, current and future Dickson County and Creek Wood High Schools students will be able to earn healthcare industry credentials including Certified...
- 06.11.21
Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville Agreement
Leaders from Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville signed an articulation agreement allowing eligible TCAT students in digital graphic design to transfer credits towards an Associate degree in visual communications at Nashville State.